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Posted by Grange Co-op on 4th Oct 2022

Grange Co-op would like to introduce you to Bodie Johnson! Bodie is currently a Sophomore in high school. During the 2022 Jackson County Fair he received the title of Rate of Gain Champion for his steer! Grange Co-op was able to talk with Bodie about his experience and how he earned his championship title while only feeding Rogue Feed! As Bodie’s first year in 4-H as part of Wagner Valley beef club, he knew there would be some challenges and… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 15th Mar 2022

Grange Co-op is continuously pursuing opportunities to help support agriculture in our communities. There are so many ways individuals of any age can get involved in agricultural programs! For example, this doesn’t always require working directly with animals, but rather, it can include other opportunities such as being a representative and advocate for agriculture. An outreach initiative we recently learned more about is the Miss United State… Read more