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Cleaning Tack — Best Products and Practices

Cleaning Tack — Best Products and Practices

Posted by Grange Co-op on 24th Oct 2023

Tack care is a fundamental aspect of horsemanship. Beyond the allure of well-maintained leather, a clean and well-cared-for tack contributes to horse and rider safety.

This guide will explore the benefits of cleaning your tack, the essential items, and how to establish a reliable cleaning routine.

The Benefits of Cleaning Your Tack

Caring for your tack involves more than just appearances. It significantly impacts your riding experience and the safety of both you and your horse. Here are some key benefits of keeping your tack clean:

  • Safety: Clean and well-maintained tack is less likely to fail or cause accidents. Regular cleaning ensures that all parts, such as buckles and stitching, are in good condition.
  • Longevity: Tack can be a substantial investment. Keeping it clean and well-maintained extends its lifespan, saving you money in the long run.
  • Comfort: Clean tack is more comfortable for your horse. Leather that is well cared for remains supple and comfortable against your horse's skin, reducing the risk of chafing and discomfort.
  • Aesthetics: Of course, the visual appeal of clean tack is undeniable. A well-maintained saddle and bridle not only make you look more professional but also reflect your commitment to your horse's well-being.

What Tack to Clean Regularly

Not all tack items require the same level of cleaning. However, certain items should be cleaned regularly to ensure they function correctly and maintain the comfort and safety of both rider and horse.

Here's a list of essential tack items and why it's important to keep them clean:

  • Leather Saddles: Your saddle is perhaps the most crucial piece of tack. Cleaning it regularly preserves its appearance and ensures your horse's comfort. Dirt and sweat can cause the leather to become stiff and uncomfortable.
  • Bridles and Reins: Clean bridles and reins are essential for maintaining proper horse control. Regular cleaning prevents dirt and sweat buildup, ensuring clear and effective signals.
  • Girths: Clean girths are crucial for your horse's comfort. Accumulated sweat and dirt can lead to chafing, making an uncomfortable ride.
  • Bits: Keeping bits clean is not only a matter of hygiene but also a safety concern. Bits with caked-on grime can be uncomfortable for your horse and less effective as a communication tool.
  • Stirrup Leathers: Stirrup leathers are often overlooked but essential for stability and balance. Clean leathers reduce the risk of wear and tear and ensure a secure fit for your stirrups.
  • Saddle Pads: Regular cleaning of saddle pads helps prevent friction and discomfort for your horse. It also extends the life of the pads, saving you money in the long run.

The Process of Cleaning Tack

Cleaning tack isn't just about removing dirt and grime; it's about nourishing the leather and keeping it in top condition. Here's how to do it right.

  • Set a Schedule: Create a regular cleaning schedule. A weekly cleaning routine is sufficient for most riders but may vary based on riding frequency and environmental conditions.
  • Gather Your Supplies: Ensure you have the right cleaning products and tools, including leather cleaner, leather conditioner, sponges, and soft cloths.
  • Remove Excess Dirt and Dust: Gently brush off loose dirt and dust from your tack using a soft cloth or sponge. Pay close attention to areas that accumulate dirt, like the crevices and stitching.
  • Cleaning with Leather Cleaner: Dampen a sponge or cloth and apply a small amount of high-quality leather cleaner. Wipe down your tack, focusing on one section at a time. Gently scrub any stubborn stains or spots. Be sure to follow the cleaner's instructions and not oversaturate the leather.
  • Conditioning the Leather: Apply a leather conditioner to your tack after cleaning. This step is crucial as it restores moisture to the leather and prevents it from drying out, cracking, or becoming stiff. The conditioner also helps to maintain the leather's natural sheen.
  • Oiling (if necessary): You may need to apply a leather oil for older or exceptionally dry tack. This should be done sparingly and only when required, as excessive oiling can over-soften the leather.
  • Wiping and Buffing: Use tack wipes to give your gear a final wipe-down. This removes any excess conditioner or oil and leaves your tack polished. Finish by buffing the leather to a gentle shine.

Safety Check

Safety should always be a top priority when working with horses. Regular tack inspections can help prevent accidents and injuries. Here's a safety check process to ensure your tack is in the best condition:

  • Check Stitching: Examine the stitching on your tack. If you notice any loose threads or damage, repair it immediately.
  • Hardware Inspection: Ensure that all buckles, rings, and snaps are in good condition and properly fastened.
  • Leather Condition: Assess the suppleness of the leather. If it feels dry or cracked, consider conditioning it before riding.
  • Bit Check: If you use a bit, ensure it's clean and free from rust or sharp edges that could harm your horse.

The Best Products for Cleaning Tack

Cleaning your tack requires the right products to ensure the best results. Here are some recommendations for the best cleaning products:

  • Leather Cleaner: Opt for a pH-balanced leather cleaner that removes dirt and sweat without drying out the leather.
  • Leather Conditioner: A good leather conditioner keeps the leather soft, supple, and resistant to cracking. Choose one with natural oils that nourish the leather.
  • Sponges and Soft Cloths: Soft, non-abrasive sponges and cloths are essential for gentle yet effective cleaning.
  • Metal Polish: If your tack includes metal components, invest in a metal polish to keep them shining and corrosion-free.

Tips for Tack Maintenance

Proper maintenance goes beyond just cleaning. Here are some additional tips to keep your tack in excellent condition:

  • Conduct Regular Inspections: In addition to the safety check mentioned earlier, perform regular inspections for any signs of wear and tear, like cracked leather or loose stitching.
  • Avoid Over-Oiling: While leather conditioning is crucial, avoid over-oiling your tack. Too much oil can make the leather overly soft and lead to stretching and warping.
  • Ensure Proper Storage: Store your tack in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated area. Use saddle racks and bridle hooks to maintain the shape of your gear.
  • Rotate Equipment: If you have multiple tack sets, consider rotating them to reduce wear on any one set.
  • Protect Against Moisture: Use saddle covers and bridle bags to protect your tack from moisture and dust when not in use.
  • Repair Promptly: Address any issues as soon as they arise. Don't delay in repairing loose stitching or replacing damaged components.

Buy Your Tack and Equine Care Products at Grange Co-op

Grange Co-op is your one-stop destination for all your tack and equine care needs. With a wide selection of leather cleaners, conditioners, and other equine care products, you'll find everything required to keep your tack in pristine condition.

Need help with your tack or cleaning supplies? Reach out to our friendly team with your questions, and we’ll be happy to help.